Friday 19 December 2014

Jump Start Fitness

39°c today. I felt myself melting away the way a knob of butter melts when you dump it in a hot pan. It's pure luck that I went for my 45 minutes brisk walk at 6.30 am. Any later & I would have been scorched since I didn't know it would be a very hot day.

I received my birthday present from hubs yesterday even if it was 10 days early: a red Fitbit Flex. He wanted to get me an ipad mini but I refused. I have no use for it since it has basically the same functions as my S3 despite it being 2 years old. As it is, we're spending so much time on IT gadgets & I don't need another 1 to waste my precious time on. When the weekly catalogue came in the mail on Wednesday, I knew it was time. I've been eyeing the Fitbit Flex for a while now. It is now on offer for $99 at Dick Smith, down from the original $128. The missing surprise element gave way to something more important: getting something I actually want. It's more practical than asking for a surprise then realised it fell so short of your expectations.

I put it to good use immediately to monitor my sleep pattern last night. It has not left my wrist since then. I find it really good that after inputting my stats like weight, height, age, sex & how much weight i want to lose, it generates information on how much water I have to drink a day & how many calories I should be consuming. It's also a pedometer so I know how far I am from the 10k steps goal each day.

Immediately after arriving home from my walk, I took Ah Ton for a 15 minutes walk as my goal was to get in 1 hour of exercise since walking is nowhere as strenuous as jogging. As much as I needed it, I don't enjoy jogging. I've tried to pick it up so many times over the span of my life but had always given up. Walking is easy. I plan to explore the neighbourhood on foot since my workplace is closed till the 7th Jan.

I saw a house on sale that attracted me for some reasons I can't explain. I couldn't see the inside, I couldn't tell what size it was. Yet I felt strangely attracted to it. When I got home, I searched on & there it was. Beautiful 4x2 with quality finishings & a pool. I don't fancy a pool coz I know upkeeping it is a nightmare. But then, neither can I afford the $560k that the owners are asking for it.

I also came across a street where the moment I turned in, I felt instantly uneasy. I can't explain it. The houses on both sides of the street look innocent enough but it just felt so eery. As soon as I turned into the next street, the feeling dissipated.

I downloaded the app for my Fitbit on both my laptop & my S3. Here's my report thus far today. With this toy to give me feedback on my progress, I'm looking forward to hitting my targets everyday.

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