Wednesday 16 March 2016

The Saddest Thing

Wed mornings are spent scrubbing for Prof IC. I'm his designated scrub nurse & I'll always scrub for him unless I'm on leave. This morning, he shared this very sad piece of information with us. I'll not reveal the country, just the story.

In this particular country, everyone is so corrupted that if you're so sick that you had to go to the ED, you have to make sure you have enough money. You have to bribe the doorman before you can even be allowed to enter through the doors. Then you have to bribe the triage nurse so that you can get assessed by the triage nurse. After which, you have to bribe the junior doctor to ensure that you get seen by him.  After that, you have to bribe the consultant, so on & so forth.

I felt so sad hearing that. Have we become so corrupted by greed that we've lost every last shred of humanity? So they rather watch you die than treat you if you don't have the money to bribe them.

It could be us. It could be your kid dying in your arms. But you're just too poor to make the bribe. So you deserve to die. This is not the world I'll like to live in. But it's real. It's happening in the world. & there's nothing we can do.

Life is the greatest treasure of all. You can't buy an extra day of life for all the money in the world. We certainly have much to be thankful for.

1 comment:

  1. Yes. We are lucky we have choices in life when there are tons who can't even access basic amenities.
