Wednesday 4 February 2015

Milestone: 9 Months + 2 Days

Of late, I've been feeling it more & more that this is a place I can live in permanently. Compared to my initial doubts, despite having made the move, I'm definitely more sure of my decision now. When we 1st arrived, I tried to avoid talking to ang mohs as much as I could. Coming from a culture of kow towing to ang mohs in Sg, I'm somewhat fearful of them, made worse by the fact that words don't come so easily to me when talking to strangers. I've definitely gained more confidence in that aspect. I no longer feel like a deer caught in fast approaching headlights.

I also declare the house that we've been eyeing SOLD! Just not to us. Hubs is upset with the results & I told him, "不给你就代表不适合。给你的一定是最好的。" If we set our sights firmly on the goal, we will surely get there without fail. This is what my Buddhist studies taught me. Live your life with a heart of gratitude. I've mentioned it before. NMHRGK when translated into sanskrit means thank you very much. My prayers are in reality, thanking the universe for the opportunity to overcome my negative karma (or fate if you will). It is a teaching of hope. You hold in yourself the power to change the future (in a good way of course) so just keep praying until it does.

I lamented about not even being granted interviews despite applying for so many positions when I 1st arrived & was desperate for a job. Now I have so many people wanting to interview me that I'm so lost as to which 1 to choose. (I was hoping to get some casual work over the weekends so I sent off a few applications.) I'm not exactly sure why the difference. I suspect it's the combination of having local experience & also a lot of staff jumped ship to the newly opened hospital. Of course, interview is 1 thing. Being successfully employed is another. Still, it's better than not even being granted an interview.

Lastly, before I end this post, I have a good news (to me). I've lost another kilo & my total now stands at 2. 我会继续努力的!

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