Tuesday 24 February 2015

Oh For Goodness Sake!

I haven't posted about the issues with my landlord becoz I thought we had it sorted. A lot had transpired after the landlord gave us grieve about the lawn as in my post on 24th Jan. While they were here, they visited my neighbour 3 houses down the road & that was when they found out that the couple living there are housing their refugees relatives who recently came to Perth. There're now 15 people living under 1 roof & they're looking for a place to rent.

Immediately, my landlord came up with this idea for them to rent our current rental place. Without getting our consent, they let them onto the house compound to show them around. (I only found out later when she let slipped that she did.) That very evening, they gave us 3 weeks to move out since that family of 13 were desperate to rent our place. I was beyond pissed but later found resolution from prayers. Yes, this post is about this incident. Of course, they're not allowed to do it. We're legally allowed to live here till the end of the lease in May.

Early this month, due to the landlord's increasing pressure to force us out, hubs banned me from having any interactions with them anymore. He said he would deal with them in his own way. Knowing him, it's definitely bad news for them. I was not to reply any of their messages or answer if they called. I was at work when I received several messages from my landlord. When I finally got a chance, I saw what hubs wrote on FB. He told them that we're moving back to Sg for good & not to contact me anymore. That we're terminating our bank accounts & if they want the rent, they'll have to get it from him in person.

By the time I got home that evening, hubs told me that he had spoken to them. To try & drive a wedge between us, they said I was the 1 who asked for an early release & hence that was why they went to look for new tenants. So they, in their kindness is trying to help us get out early & why are we going back on our words now? He told them that he doubted I arranged for early release with them since we didn't even have a place to move to. He then asked hubs when's the earliest we can move out & hubs said 6 weeks. They called the other family who said 6 weeks is too long a wait & that they'll find a rental somewhere else. So the landlords came back to hubs that we are to stay till end of the lease.

When I told hubs that I did no such thing (asking for early release) he said he believe me. But I insisted on showing him our conversation on FB PM. Thank goodness for the record! It proved beyond reasonable doubt that the wife was the 1 who asked me if we are willing to move out early if they managed to find new tenants & will give us ample notice if that's the case. (I don't consider 3 weeks to be ample time by the way.) So contrary to their claims, I never asked them if we can break the lease even though I did consider it.

I thought that was the end of it. How wrong can I be?! They told hubs on CNY eve that they've decided to sell the house & that our lease will not be affected. But we are, however, required to replace all dead plants & clean the place to a pristine when the agent they've appointed come for an assessment & again for the photographer. A colleague whose owner is selling the place as well told me that her landlord took $100 off their rent per week for their inconvenience. I said, if they don't give me problem, 我就谢天谢地了。I don't need them to give me discount for my inconvenience. 

I was told by my colleagues from the beginning that it is not legal to rent a house to 13 people becoz they have to abide by the maximum number of rental occupants. When I got home after work, hubs told me that the refugees family (which is actually 3 families) decided to rent our place & the landlord is putting pressure on us to move out asap again. When I put the 2 & 2 together, it makes perfect sense. They're not working (since they can't speak English) so naturally they want to live under 1 roof rather than spilt up & pay 2 rents. They must have been rejected & hence have no choice but to come back to my landlord. The other thing is, if they rent my place, they're only 3 houses away from their relative, rather than somewhere further away.

I really want to get out asap & be done with these people (my landlords, not the refugees family). But 1st we need to move out. We meet all sorts of people through our journey in life. I need to gain the wisdom to deal with the difficult people without being unkind. For the time being, I just have to ride it out to the very end.


  1. Just out of curiosity, may I please ask what's your landlords' ethnicity?

    1. Thought so. Usually Caucasians don't do this kind of shit. Remember you are in a Western country now, start interacting with the ang mohs and you'll have a better life! I have never rented from an Asian landlord, because we know how we're like don't we?

    2. >I have never rented from an Asian landlord, because we know how we're like don't we?

      Well, CK, that's a generalization. I've heard of shifty/shitty "white" Canadian landlords here in Metro Vancouver too. Personally, I had it lucky in that my China Chinese (ex-)landlord is an intellectual who despise such bullying behaviour, so he is very fair to all his tenants. In fact, he and his wife are both very nice to me after all the years of staying with them and we getting to know each other better, so we still keep in contact.

    3. In every nationality, race or religion, there'll always be black sheeps. While it's unfortunate, it did enhance my spiritual growth as I seek guidance from Buddhist books. So I guess I did benefit from it all even though going through it isn't easy.

  2. True, there are all kinds in all ethnicity. But I haven't heard a good thing about Chinese landlords in my country, and I haven't had a bad Caucasian landlord either.

    1. That's alright. Let us be the 1st. Since we can't change others, let it start from us.
