Wednesday 21 January 2015

Being Human

Growing up, I was a sensitive child. As much as it is a blessing, it is a curse at the same time. It means I read other people's emotion quite easily but also, I overthink it & become greatly affected. I was the subject of bullying from upper primary all the way through secondary school. As an adult, I know it to be very common place. In fact, I believe it is much worse now than before. Teenagers are committing suicide over online bullying which never happened during my days (coz there wasn't such a thing as internet).

Whether it's bullying or nasty comments, it all stems from the need to feel superior to the other person. People make scathing remarks to validate their need to be better. It's said that people who does this are insecure & has low self esteem.

Negativity has adverse effects on lives & relationships. It's subtle & often times you don't even notice it. For the person on the receiving end, there's no need to burrow yourself in the negativity. I used to get really upset over something that's been said to me or about me. But in the end, I'm the 1 suffering, constantly dwelling on it. It warps the way you view the world. In FB recently, a woman insisted that people are condemning her (it is true in her mind) but I couldn't see where the condemning is. There's no way to get through to them coz they're so deep in that they can't see it any other way.

I keep telling myself not to give value to negative exchanges or events. For what doesn't have value, doesn't matter. Of course, I'm far from competent in it. It'll take a life time I think. You know what's harder? It's not only to learn not to be offended but to send a heartfelt prayer to that person in response?

I remember 1 of my earlier posts where we were feeling down about being unemployed & I was shouted at by an ang moh with vulgarities. It affected me, yes. But I was already "practising" not giving it value. It doesn't cost you to have kind words for others. But to someone who's going through a rough time, it could be the difference between life & death. Let us all give words of encouragement & hope instead.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this post. I can't agree better to what you have said. Return evil with good is the way to go.
