Thursday 29 January 2015

Weekly Check In

I gradually began to notice the delay in breaking of dawn over the course of 1 week. For the past few days, I would wake up at 5 am & have to switch on the lights in the bathroom. At it's peak early last month, it was already quite bright by 4.30 am. Realisation of the fact that we're at the end of January & summer is 2/3 over hit me then. Though not a full year yet, we've experienced all seasons in Perth already. How time flies. I'm ever craning my neck for the return of cool autumn.

It's been a happening week. I was on my way home on Wednesday, just about 100m away from my turn when I notice an ambulance in my rear mirror. They didn't switch on the siren but their lights were flashing. So I pulled as far left as I could (single lane) & slowed down for them to go ahead. They overtook me from the oncoming lane & turned in. I made the turn after them & saw that they went straight while I had to turn left. My immediate thoughts were that maybe someone's suffering from a heart attack. I read later on FB that it was a hit & run. Apparently,  the driver hit a motorcyclist so hard that his bull bar fell off. The motorcyclist didn't make it. In a residential area, to have hit someone so hard your bull bar came off, you've got to be driving way too fast isn't it?

On that same night, hubs told me that he was in the carport between our 2 cars, about to wheel the bin out (today's bin day) when he notice a man walk up the drive way. He initially wanted to stay in the shadows & see what the guy was up to. But the spotlight with motion sensor was triggered & his cover was blown. So he attempted to approach the man. Immediately, he turned & quickly walked away. It was a man with a bald spot on his head, wearing a light coloured short sleeved shirt & berms. I suspected that he might have wanted to try his luck robbing our cars coz we don't keep the lights on outside & the carport is completely in the dark. Anyway, I don't have any valuable items in the car so he would have been wasting his efforts had he tried. 

Hub's been giving a lot of thought about buying our own place. I feel that it's not impossible, just that we'll be quite stretched. Based on the mortgage calculator, a $400k loan will require a repayment of $2.1k per month. Add the $1k I have to send back to Sg every month, add the bills, water rates (about $200+ bi-monthly), home insurance & putting aside some for property tax, we're looking at a potential of $3k per month. Some months I don't even bring home $4k. So I told him to speak to his boss about the possibility of granting him a permenent position. This way, not only will it help us secure a higher loan amount, there's the security of guaranteed income. Let's see how it goes.


  1. Also factor in the possibility of withdrawing both your CPF once you are Oz citizens.

    1. It's something we'll definitely consider but we have more than 3 years to go. Hubs will be the only 1 who can apply for citizenship coz my parents are staying in the HDB I own. So I can't sell it. If the property market stays put or better yet, worsens, I think I'll need at least another year to save up.
