Saturday 4 April 2015

Sick Missy

I spent 2 days in Sg & came back with sore throat for 4 days. I was getting better. Then, I returned to Sg. The sore throat came back with a vengeance. I got progressively worse with each passing day & I woke up everyday feeling worse than the previous night. The cough came within 2 days. Then the heavy headed feeling. The endless sneezings. The aches. The heavy chested feeling. Australia's clean, good quality air was all I craved.

If I weren't feeling so sick, I probably would be as emo as hubs was as we were leaving on the cab to the airport. 放不下的是感情。I told him to make plans for the next visit. Once you have a concrete plan in mind, you'll feel so much better. And once you return to your routine, the sorrow of parting will be driven to the back of your mind. But I think we'll be too busy anyway. We move tomorrow. Then the clean up on Monday. I return to work on Tuesday, with an early start of 7 am, half an hour earlier than usual.

The week in Sg was jammed packed with meet ups. Lunches, dinners & even 1 supper. 吃到我们很怕! We were constantly stuffed. We were eating even though we were still full from the previous meal. I'll need to fast to rest my GI system.

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