Monday 11 August 2014

Nothing Is By Chance

I just saw the most magnificent moon set in my life on my drive to work. Remember several months ago we had a case of the super moon where it appeared 16% larger than usual as its orbit brought it closer to earth? This was even larger & golden yellow in colour. Not to mention a full moon.
Every morning after my morning gongyo & before I leave home, I'll quickly glance through my FB on my mobile. This morning, I came across an article shared, on Shyakamuni's teaching. Now, I don't know if he really said these but in the article, it says that nothing in life is by chance. Not even the smallest, insignificant thing. Everyone who you come into contact with, every incident you encountered are there for a reason. There're no coincidences in life. When the time is right, certain things will manifest in your life (this I know for sure is taught in my Buddhist studies).
So, me having the chance to view the moon set is due to me being at the exact place, at the exact time. I start 8 am today. If I had started at 7.30 am, I would have missed the beautiful scene.
Being here, with lesser stress & unhappiness, I find myself more tolerant of people & events. I find that my pace had slowed, allowing me to appreciate the beauty of this world instead of rushing from 1 place to another. I feel I have developed spiritually. So I guess I was meant to be here.

1 comment:

  1. Happy to know that things are working for you. Keep it up!
