Sunday 8 March 2015

Cleaning Sunday

I wake up at 5 am every weekday morning by alarm. It's a norm for me to wake up at 6 am naturally on the weekends either even without the alarm for my body has already accustomed itself to waking early. Finding myself with an abundance of time & nothing to do (hubs won't wake till midday), I decided to give dirty green a long overdue wash. The rims required 2 times of scrubbing before I managed to wash away the brake dust accumulated since the time we got this car (9 months! Gasp!). So yeah, now I have a clean car to drive to work.

After that, I made tacos for lunch. Nothing fanciful, just used the meal packs I bought from Coles. 1st time we're having Mexican. I must say I prefer the soft tacos to the hard ones. But then, I've always preferred tortilla wraps. I tried my best keeping it as healthy as I could by using extra lean minced beef even though it costs double the price of normal minced beef. I also used light sour cream & light shredded cheese. For veg, we had the superfood salad (kale, beetroot, carrot, organic quinoa, coconut chips, cranberries, currants, pine nuts & balsamic vinegar) I brought to a gathering yesterday which nobody touched. Lol. Guess health food is not for everybody. I fed some of the salad to Ton as well as his daily veg ration.

3 pm, the house is like an oven. This rental is East West facing. So in the morning, we'll get sun shinning into the living area & by 2 pm, the master bedroom & front living area gets the evening sun. Even with the block out curtains, the inside of the house gets hotter than the outside ambiance temperature. Time to shower Ton Ton. I always shower him in the patio. I left him to "la liang" after towel drying him while I water the lawn before bringing him in to blow dry with the hair dryer. By then, the only parts of him still wet were his legs & beard.

Since we'll be moving soon, I did some minor packing. All in all, a rather productive day by my standards. (I usually nua around at home during the weekeend.) Now it's time to rest up for a busy week ahead.

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