Thursday 20 November 2014

Being A Singaporean Chinese Asian

I'm gonna start by being off track. I know urine. I've seen so many that are not mine. Concentrated is dark yellow. Orangey is not concentrated. Orangey means it's tainted by red. Usually signifying blood in the urine. So imagine my shock when I saw mine was orangey. The 1st thing I thought of was urinary tract infection. But I had no pain passing urine. Most common cause ruled out, I checked to see if I'm bleeding even though my menses had stopped for a week. Nope, not bleeding. Then I try to recall if it was something I ate. Got a hit. I had a salad with chunks of beetroot in it. Morale of the story? Don't scare thyself.

Back to topic now. For some reason, ang mohs tend to think all asians are the same. Probably the same way I think indians look the same (for some reason, I can't tell most indian men apart). I'm the unofficial Mandarin-English translator in my department. I can speak some Hokkien & Cantonese though I understand way better than I can speak. So we had a Vietnamese patient. I was asked if I speak Vietnamese. Err... sorry, I don't. Then we had an Indonesian patient & I was asked if I speak Bahasa. Yeah, we all have asian skin & black hair. But that's where the similarities end, really.

For the record, I can speak very limited Malay, mostly in words to do with having an eye surgery. Like what's your name? Which eye for surgery? Any allergies? Close eyes, open eyes, look left, look right, look at the light, lie down, wait a while, don't move, deep breaths. That's about it.

I can count numbers in Japanese. I can say thank you, sorry, excuse me, good morning, afternoon, evening, good night, are you ok & some other words. The only sentence I can say in Japanese probably is "I am Jo." Nothing that I can use in my job.

I think we must be a mystery to the ang mohs for them to have the impression that 1 is all. Sorry, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean etc is as different as German is to Italian is to Spanish is to French.

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