Thursday 10 July 2014

Inconsiderations Encountered

Perils of driving. A cyclist very nearly gave me a heart attack this morning. He was in all black, his bike was black, had it not been the light glinting off his spinning wheels, I wouldn't even have noticed him. Seriously? In the dark & in a residential area with no street lights? On the way home, I was caught in a massive jam. It took me 30 mins to clear 1 traffic light. Couldn't even go beyond 2nd gear. Thankfully mine's an auto transmission car. Must be terrible to be driving manual in a jam. But once I cleared the area, I couldn't see what caused the jam at all. No accident, no car broke down, no road works. Then some people, obviously impatient from the delay started weaving in & out of lanes with very little clearance, causing cars behind them to brake sharply. I was several cars behind & saw the entire thing. How much time are you going to save anyway? 5 mins? Certainly not worth losing your life, causing someone to lose their life or having to deal with the aftermath of an accident.

When I got home, hubs told me that the rubbish truck missed our street this morning. When he wanted to collect the bin, he realised that someone had dumped their rubbish into our half full bin to the brim. He left the bin out on the bin pavement since there's no way we can throw anymore rubbish in it. Our neighbour to our left has gone somewhere with the kids (we think) as we haven't seen them nor their cars for a few days. He thinks it's the neighbour to our right but our landlord says there's only a woman living on her own there so she doesn't think it's her. I went to open our bin to have a look & wish I hadn't. The person threw rotten food into our bin & the stench was just horrible. Eeewww... Whoever it is, this person is so bad. I told hubs we'll just have to throw our trash in the park's bin for the time being.

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