Wednesday 2 July 2014

Near Miss

In a clinical setting, nurses put up incident reports for 2 scenarios. An actual incident & a near miss. This report goes to the head of department & to the quality improvement department who then assesses what measures can be taken to prevent the incident from happening again.
I had a near miss today. Not at work but on the drive back home. Almost an accident. I must be a magnet for such things. I love my Integra & I hope it'll last long, long, long. If I crash it, it'll definitely be another write off & it'll be hard to find another quality car for so low a price.

I was almost home. Probably 200m away. I drove in from the main street & have to make a right turn, follow the curve of the road & turn into my house. It's a T junction & though this is 99% of the time a quiet road, I always stop at the stop line, check for traffic from both directions before making the turn. I don't take it for granted that it'll always be clear. Before I even reached the stop line, this car sped round the corner from the left, cutting into my lane. I jammed on the brakes (which wasn't much anyway since my speed was probably 10 or 20 kpm) & narrowly missed getting hit by inches. I was still at least a metre or 2 from the stop line. Had it not been for my overly cautious driving habits (I know I probably drove many other drivers crazy) I would definitely have been hit. The driver was young, probably under 20 & sped off as if nothing had happened. Oh my gosh! Who gave him a pass on his driving test?

At the same time, I must have such good fortune that I've never been injured & I'm just so thankful that my Integra has been kept safe (this time). It'll serve as a reinforcement that I should keep my cautious driving habits regardless of who else gets pissed off with my adherence to speed limits, maintaining safe distances when driving & when stopping & ensuring I have enough clearance to turn instead of trying to speed past oncoming traffic.

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