Monday 28 July 2014

Soap Making: Success!

The entire house is permeated by the scent of essential oils that was used to make the dead sea mud soap. The fragrance welcomed me home as I stepped into the house. It wasn't so nice when I'm making it though. I worked in 1 of the bedrooms that we don't use so Ton won't have access to it. The smell was overpowering & it gave me a headache as I was working on it. Even with the door closed, the fragrance is able to greet me at the front door after a day. So you can imagine how strong the scents are.

The instructions call for cutting the soap into smaller bars between 24 to 48 hours, when the soap has set but not too hard to make cutting difficult. I'm gonna wait for 48 hours the next time I make soap again. The soap has set but as I turned it out from the mould, it crumbled in 2 of the corners. I told hubs that this must be the ugliest soap bars we'll ever use. I have 10 bars, 2 smaller bars & 1 bar that resembled shit. I gathered the crumbled pieces & attempted to press them into a rectangle but it looked more like a piece of Ah Ton's shit than anything else.

With soft pieces of soap stuck to my hands, I washed them with water. It worked! I've got the cleansing sensation that you get when washing your hands with a soap bar. So now it has to air dry for 4 to 6 weeks for it to completely hardened. Soaps can be kept for up to 2 years. But I'm sure we'll used them all up before the time is up.

Time to plan my next hobby project. Thinking of learning crocheting off youtube but I'm not a very patient person. I like something I can complete in a short amount of time. I shall give some thought to it.

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