Saturday 14 June 2014

Ah Ton Finally Arrives

Hubs got back from his assessment around 9.30 am. He followed this staff on her route. He completed 42 readings in an hour which she said was alright for a newbie. She herself can complete 70 readings in an hour. I was like, "Really? That's less than a min for each house." With this job, you have to study the area map the night before & plan your route well. You park at the nearest carpark & go on foot to all the houses. Some are straight forward in that the meter is outside the house. For those hidden in the garage, you have to knock & ask to read the meter or have the owner read it to you. Some are behind bushes, buried in the soil etc. I guess 70 in an hour is only possible if they're all straight forward.

Landlord came over at almost 11 am to paint a portion of the outdoor ceiling that was repaired a couple of weeks ago as well as spray weed killer on the mulch areas. While we were chatting, the 1st phone call came. Hubs is being called to a 4 hour training on Monday. Shortly after, we received a 2nd phone call. It was from the pet transport company informing us that Ton Ton will arrive at our place between 3.30 to 4.30 pm. Needless to say, I'm overjoyed.

We went out to buy offal & veg for Ton's meal after landlord went off. I had already prepacked fresh meat 2 days ago & left them in the freezer. Everyday I just have to grab a pack to defrost before feeding him. Sometimes you just can't anticipate everything that you need. I was hoping I don't have to buy nail clippers by bringing him out for long walks. This will grind down his nails naturally & I don't have to cut them. I didn't think that I will be showering him in this cold weather so I didn't get hair dryer as well.

Just slightly after 4 pm, we heard the sound we were impatiently waiting for. The sound of a vehicle driving into our driveway. Ton was a bit confused & probably feeling lost. I was sure he recognised us but he didn't exhibit the exuberance he usually gave us. He ran around the house & upon seeing the backyard, he ran straight for it. Bang! He ran straight into the glass door. Oh my, that's my silly goof of a dog.

Brought him out to the "park" outside our place for toileting. His pee was super concentrated. He must have not been drinking. Then I realised the fur around his anus was all matted with dried feces. So much so that he couldn't pass stools & he kept whining coz the stools were stuck. I tried my best to clear some of it off his anus but ended up with feces all over his butt. No choice but to shower him. Hubs drove out to Big W to get a hair dryer while I showered him & brushed his teeth. His breath stinks (still is). After that, I trimmed fur off his eyes so he can see better, brushed out the matts on his body, trimmed his paw fur & gave him a sanitary clip. I also realised his ear canals are in terrible condition. I shaved off the fur from underneath his ear flaps & the cleaning solution will have to wait till tomorrow. I promised him outings & car rides so we're all going to City Farmers tomorrow. Yey!

Been receiving lots of bad news from friends lately. 2 of my friends' dad had health issues so severe that they require hospitalisation & further investigations. 1 of them is taking her health assessment exam this Sunday some more. It's her last semester & it's imperative that she achieve a pass or wait 2 years to redo the module. Another friend recently diagnosed with diabetes. I don't know how she's taking it & I don't know what to say. As a nurse, I can say do this, don't do that, eat this not that. But as a friend, I can only say we'll be there for her. Back at home, fervently chanting for their health & victory over the circumstances.

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