Sunday 1 June 2014

The Curse Of The Inconvenient Weeds

Green is supposed to be soothing to the eyes & instill a sense of calm. That's why operating theatres are often painted green. I can't speak for anywhere else but it doesn't seem to work in SG. Anyway, P & J laid lawn for their house for the same reasons.

Barely 1 week into our arrival in Perth, we rented this place that we're currently staying at. My landlord had just laid the lawn & she asked me to pick the weeds on & off as they grow. Initially, I couldn't tell the weeds & the grass apart. Everyone told me weeds simply looked different. Except for the long stalks which looked different than the lawn grass but is in reality another breed of grass.

Weeds are terrible inconveniences. They grow fast & relentless. It doesn't help that 1 can only do a small area at a time. I would squat on the lawn, pulling out the weeds as I go. Before long, my legs would start to protest & shake from the prolonged squatting. By the time 1 completes the entire lawn, the 1st area has already been overwhelmed by weeds again. J suggested Feed n Weed which upon application, feeds the lawn & kills the weed. Perhaps when we have a sustainable income. Until then this will be the only exercise I'm getting

I continued with the weeding today. Not wanting to stop, I got on all fours. It's easier to be on your knees than to be squatting. I have no problems distinguishing the weeds from the grass anymore. In fact, I've become progressively more efficient at weeding. I found myself pulling more out along with the roots than not. I'm not sure if it's therapeutic coz I don't really feel the effects. But I'm definitely feeling a sense of satisfaction whenever I sucessfully deroot the weeds. That I guess is a form of progress.

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