Friday 13 June 2014

Gas Meter Reading Assessment

Just sent hubs off for his gas meter reading assessment. He has to be there by 6.55 am & he's still taking his own sweet time. 真的替他捏一把冷汗。Although the GPS gave the estimation as 20 mins drive time, we shouldn't take it too literally. Being late on your assessment almost guarantees that they'll give the job to someone else who demonstrates punctuality. It's a rather straight forward route though so hopefully he'll be fine.

If I'm scheduled to start at 7.30 am at LEI, I think I'll be leaving at 6 am. If 2 heads can't figure out the GPS's instruction, me with my lousy sense of direction means that I'm highly likely to make a few wrong turns. I still can't figure out how we took 1 hr 20 mins to drive that 34 km. I can always adjust my departure time as I familiarise myself with the route. If I'm early, I'm early. I used to show up at work 30 mins before I was due anyway.

It's a cold morning & has been so consistently for the whole week. Waking up to 3 or 4 degrees is the norm. I don't even have 1 long sleeved top. Before coming over, I checked the temperature in Perth across the months. It showed 10-18 degrees during winter. I thought to myself, 10 degrees ain't bad. Hence I left all my warmer clothes behind since my luggage was overweight. The next time I better take it with a pinch of salt. So I guess summer isn't going to be the rosy 18-31 degrees as dictated either. I've already been told it can hit 42 degrees on some days.

Alright, I shall pop back into bed. Once I start working, being able to wake up naturally will become a luxury.

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