Friday 4 April 2014

Dental Issues Best Solved in SG

I met up with my 2 poly friends last week for steamboat & KTV session. 1 of them did her degree in Perth. So I took the chance to ask her if dental treatments are expensive there. She told me, "Fly back if you have to. The air ticket on a budget airline is cheaper than going to a dentist in Perth." Turned out that she had a toothache & was forced to visit a dentist while she was over there. She paid a few hundred dollars for consultation & antibiotics.

In my mind, I went, oh shit! I've got 2 molars that a dentist told me require crowns last December when I went for scaling. I previously extracted a molar that was so badly eroded that my nerves were exposed, causing me excruciating pain. That will require an implant.

I've put it off for a long time as it costs $900 per crown & $4500 for traditional implant. I decided the implant can wait. But the 2 worn out molars has the potential to create problems anytime. A search online told me that getting crowns done in Perth will cost me AUD$1800 per tooth. It was a mad scramble to get dentist's appointment. I was due to fly early May & getting crowns is a 2 step procedure. 1st to file away the tooth with a burr to half its size & a temporary cap is placed on the tooth. About 2 weeks later, you go back for crown fitting once it is ready.

A dental clinic near my place was able to slot me in on the same day I called, which was yesterday. This dentist told me that it would be a waste to file my teeth to fit a crown as my teeth were still relatively healthy except for the worn off top surfaces. She recommended fillings & a night guard to wear at night so I reduce further damage to my teeth from grinding. I agreed. Saved me tons of money espcially this close to the big move.

The implant though will have to wait. Perhaps on 1 of my visits back to SG. I'm exploring mini implants offered by Camden Medical. According to its website, it can be done on the same day. Well, it'll definitely have to wait till I'm bringing in a steady income.

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