Tuesday 1 April 2014

The Beginning of Growing Old Together

About 4 years ago, I sprained my back at work carrying a heavy load. I couldn't go into a sitting position when standing & neither could I get up from a sitting position without difficulty. I went to the 跌打师傅 but it still took 2 months to recover. Ever since then, I've got backache every single day, made worse by being on my feet all day at work. The pain goes away with rest but by the 1 hour mark at work, my back would start aching again.

These days, me & hubby will take turns "cracking" each other's spine by exerting pressure on either sides, followed by application of salonpas plasters on the site that hurts the most. It's an uncomfortable ailment but it brings a smile to my face when I think about it. We're sort of growing old together.

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