Monday 28 April 2014

Does It Matter Who Earns More?

We were watching 缺宅男女 when hubs suddenly brought up the issue of him not earning as much. He asked me if I 嫌弃他 as I earn much more than he does & how will I feel if people around me started commenting about how useless my husband is. He asked me why I married him despite knowing that he's poor. We're not rich but we have sufficient. & to me, that's very fortunate of us already.

I'm a modern woman. I don't buy the old thinking that men absolutely should be the main bread winner. So it doesn't bother me at all even if I earn more. I told him, as long as he's not idling away at home, using my hard earned money to 嫖 & 赌, it shouldn't matter who earns more. I'm contented with a simple life. I need not have the best & newest. Most important of all, I feel as a woman, I want to be financially independent. 

Many know of my story with my ex. I depended on my ex to go far in nursing & that was the reason why I gave him the money to do his degree 1st. Look at where that got me. Money gone. Man gone. Nearly lost the flat. The car that I helped paid a sum for, gone. I learnt my lesson & I learnt it well. I'm not saying I don't trust my current husband. But there're many things in life that are beyond our control. It may not be infidelity. It may be an accident, an illness.

Take for an example, an upright fork leaning against another upright fork. They're never going to remain standing. But if you face the forks towards each other & inter cross the prongs, they'll prop each other up. That's how I feel about marriage now. You don't depend on the other person to hold you up. If you instead hold each other up, you'll both stay upright. It's not just about finances of course.

I understand that to men, they feel it's a responsibility to provide for the family. Oops, I guess many women feel that way too. But earning lesser than the wife doesn't mean that they're not providing isn't it? Why does it have to be a business transaction where all accounts must be balanced? Why men must be the 1 to provide more financially? If they can, by all means. But if they can't, why must they be despised?

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