Sunday 6 April 2014

Habit To Bring Over

Hubby's the 1 with the consistency. Ever since we've picked up jogging a few months back, he's been jogging regularly even if it means only once a week. I on the other hand keep getting lazy & go for month long breaks. I've been jogging for the entire week, my last jog before this stint being early March. Somehow I can't seem to make jogging a habit. I'm hoping that I'll continue to jog even when I'm there in Perth.

There's a canal 2 HDB blocks from my flat. That's where we jog these days. The ground is concrete flat, the only elevation & down slope being at 1 end of the canal. It's a popular spot for joggers & dog walkers, the latter being evident by the littering of shit on the pavement. 1 has to literally keep eyes on the ground to avoid 1 of those "huat ah!" moments. This annoy me no end. Why can't they pick up after their dogs? Whenever I walk mine, I'll bring enough newspapers to scoop up 5 defecations. In the rare event that I do run out, I use the leaves scattered all over the place instead. If I can do it, why can't others? Grr...

Anyway, 1 complete round around the canal is 1.3 km. We run 2 & use the 2.4 km timing to gauge our run. My timing for 2.6 km is currently at around 21:30 minutes. I came in at 21:17 minutes for last night's run but I was stopped by a lady asking for directions. I'm being optimistic here but I think I might have shaved 1 minute off my usual timing. It's my dream to be able to attain 15 minutes like I did when I was in Sec 2. Of course, I know that I'm more than twice that age since but it's a nice target to aspire to.

I'm hoping to keep it up & gradually increase the distance. I have to keep reminding myself not to be impatient. Stamina & fitness doesn't come overnight. It takes months & months of training for many others to achieve their goals. I'm guessing once the weight comes off, my body no longer have to carry excess weight, my heart doesn't have to work as hard & my timing will start to improve. So I must must must keep at it. *Remind self to read this post every now & then. 

Summary of the week:
Jogged 1, 3, 4, 6
Averaged 21:30 minutes

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