Wednesday 2 April 2014

Prolonged "Summer"

It was a furnace outside my air conditioned room, even at 4 am in the morning. I stepped out to use the toilet & I was already starting to sweat as I slipped back into my room. I think it took all of 2 minutes for the return trip. These days I have 2 fans working at full speed for 24 hours a day, alternating them only at night. (Hubby finds the room too stuffy without a fan to circulate the cool air at night.) Even with 2 fans blowing at me, I'm sweating loads by the minute.

How hot can SG get anyway? 36 degrees? So I'm absolutely certain that I'll hate summer in Perth with a vengeance. Worse still with bugs that came along with it. Perhaps it'll reduced me down to a crazed woman running down the street, swatting at the bugs flying around my face. But at the very least, we'll have 3 other seasons that are more comfortable.

"Summer" came early this year in SG, probably due to global warming. I remember it used to get really hot only around June till the monsoon season breaks it up in late November during my childhood. For many years now, the heat started around April. This year, it was mid February, followed by a 6 week dry spell that turned the grass all over SG yellow. Neighbouring Malaysia even had to ration water in the rural areas as their water supply ran dangerously low.

In Dan Brown's Inferno, the antagonist blames over population as the cause. We're depleting the earth's resources faster than they can be replenished. He proposed a reduction of the world's population by more than half & went on to release a virus to render a fifth of the population infertile. There's always a ring of truth in all his novels.

1 thing I do agree on. I think we're already past the tipping point. There's no way to remedy the global warming issue fast enough to make a difference. The ice caps are melting at a unprecedented speed. I kinda feel that earth is doomed. I wonder how long we have.

Regardless, let us all do what we can. Well, on the individual, we really should cut down the usage of plastic bags, switching to reusable or biodegradable bags, avoid buying bottled water, consider switching to energy saving electrical appliances & switching off lights that we don't need. Setting the air conditioner at 25 degrees (You can't go higher than that. Believe me, I've tried. It'll start blowing out heated air at 26 degrees.) & not using the air conditioner for more than 8 hours a day helps. On cooler days, we leave the room door open for circulation & ditch the air conditioning altogether. If everyone makes an effort, maybe we can slow down global warming enough for recovery efforts to work.

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