Sunday 7 February 2016

Back To Sin: Day 4

Finally, a day that wasn't completely filled with activities. Basically, there were only 2 destinations. 1st was to Causeway Point. I was after a nice, reasonably priced dress to wear on day 2 of CNY. I've heard so many people complaining about high prices in Perth. When I came away empty handed, I knew for a fact that it isn't true. A dress of similar quality as the dress I intend to wear on CNY day 1 cost $99. I bought mine at Carousel for $50. Thou shall not complain about pricey clothes again.
I did snag an affordable deal. 2 pairs of Giordano shorts for $38. All the shorts I've brought with me to Perth can no longer fit, due to an overly successful gym/yoga/diet program. I did hesitate as I was worried that I won't be wearing these new shorts for long. So I bought both pairs at a slightly more snug size. That way, I can still accommodate it comfortably for another 5 kg loss.

We went to Uniqlo but I felt that the quality doesn't justify the price. We browsed a few more shops but nothing. Businesses are charging exorbitant prices for clothes made out of lousy material. I might as well stick to Target or Big W, which is better yet cheaper.

We had lunch at a steamboat restaurant. I got pissed off at a PRC guy right from the start. I was dishing out sauces into my bowl & had barely started putting the scoop back into place when he snatched it out of my hand. 1 second seemed to be too long for him to wait. It's not that we want to condemn PRC people. But their actions certainly don't command our respect. The rest of lunch proceeded uneventfully.

We headed home & had a super long nap in preparation for the night's program. We were to meet hub's friends for drinks at 10.30 pm at Boat Quay. After many rounds of throwing up (hubs, not me), we finally made it home at 4 am. He continued throwing up while I sat in bed playing games on my phone. Lol.

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