Wednesday 28 May 2014

Winter Fast Approaching

3 days more to June. Winter is almost upon us. Temperatures dropping steadily, a mere 10 degrees at the moment. My resistance to cold is working to my advantage. I sleep in camisole & shorts but still manage to sweat at night (my room has no heating by the way). A short sleeve t-shirt alone works well enough for me in the day while hubs wraps himself in his jacket & still feels cold. The only thing I can't tolerate is cold shower. Even when the day is hot in SG, I would shower with "warm" water which to hubs was unbearably hot. Perhaps my body is wired in a weird way.

It's significant to me that we're now in winter. A famous quote from the Gosho states, "Winter always turn to spring." 1 will never encounter winter turning back to autumn. The harsh cold of winter, nothing grows in winter; this is the reality of winter. But when winter passes, spring will inevitably follow. All of a sudden, flowers start to bloom, trees regain their leaves & the temperature becomes more comfortable. This quote from Gosho seeks to remind us never to give up. In the "winter" of our life, we may feel dejected, depressed, hopeless. But as long as we persevere, we can overcome whatever difficulties that troubles us. Once we do, "spring" will arrive.

In a way, we're in "winter". No jobs, funds constantly going out but never coming in, car got rear ended, most likely to be written off. I lost myself for a while. I think we both did. If not for Ninja nurse & hubby's reminder & encouragement, we probably will still be in that life state. If we want to understand the past, look at the present. To see what the future will bring, look at the present. So instead of wallowing in depression, I seek to challenge my destiny.

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